Complete cockroach control in Reading and throughout Berkshire from a local pest control company 

Cockroaches are a serious health hazard and the frequency of infestation throughout the area from these insects is on the rise, cockroaches spread disease and cause allergies, if you have a problem with cockroaches anywhere in Berkshire then we have the solution for you. 

We think that we have cockroaches in our kitchen, what does a cockroach look like? 

There are three species of cockroach that we consider to be pests, a fourth; the garden cockroach is a recent arrival to the UK from the Mediterranean region and is a harmless garden insect which we should consider as similar as a threat status to the humble woodlouse. 
The three species of cockroach that are true pests are the American cockroach, the Oriental cockroach, and the Asian cockroach. There are some differences in size and colouration however they all have similar characteristics. 
Cockroaches have flat, oval shaped bodies with six legs that are covered in short spines and two long antennae, largely nocturnal they will be seen more in dark areas and at night. 
Click this link to visit the World Health Organisations information site on cockroaches. 

Effective, professional cockroach control from a local company  

What diseases do cockroaches carry? 

Cockroaches spread disease by their very nature, they are scavengers feeding on rubbish and animal feces and they like to squeeze into tiny gaps where filth builds up, all of this matter contains bacteria and even fungus especially in environments with poor hygiene. Cockroaches also crawl through the drains and sewerage systems, emerging to transfer the contents onto work surfaces, containers and plates and any food stuff left lying out. 
As well as this they will also walk across animal feces so with any cockroach infestation, hygiene is of the utmost importance. Cockroaches can spread 33 different types of bacteria including E coli and Salmonella; these are two bacteria that most people are familiar with and understand exactly how dangerous contamination from these are. 
As well as spreading harmful bacteria, cockroaches can even cause allergies because of proteins being released into the air from their feces; these proteins effect our respiratory system and our skin and can even lead to asthma attacks. 
Read the Discover magazines article on what you don't know about cockroaches. 

How can we protect our property from cockroaches? 

Cockroach infestations are becoming more common and they are not just a problem associated with restaurants, we find cockroaches in small domestic properties along with multi-level high rise construction that we see built in towns like Reading, Bracknell and Slough. 
In blocks of flats cockroaches will travel through any voids built into the construction that house water pipes, electrical cables and waste pipes, as they are able to move from one floor to another quickly and easily and we can find infestations spread over multiple floors. 
No matter what type of property that you live in, there are some simple steps that you can take to reduce or avoid a cockroach infestation, these are: 
Hygiene – make sure that you keep all surfaces, sinks, floors, and cupboard’s clean, pull out large items like fridges and washing machines from time to time to keep the place clean. 
Storage – always keep opened food stuffs inside airtight containers and avoid leaving food out overnight, if you have a cat or a dog throw out any uneaten food and clean the animals bowl. 
Maintenance – cockroaches like small gaps to hide in so replace missing wall tiles and grout gaps around floor / wall junctions where cockroaches can hide. 
Inspect – people often purchase food in multi-packs from cash and carry style premises, we now see infestations arise because the package has become host to a cockroach egg case which has now hatched the young roaches in your home. Think before buying second-hand kitchen items and if you do buy something then give it a thorough clean immediately. 
Are cockroaches harmful to our health? 

What do cockroaches look like? 

There are three different species of cockroach living in the UK and these are the American cockroach, the Oriental cockroach and the German cockroach. 
American cockroach

American cockroach 

The largest of the cockroaches that we find, these are a reddish brown in colour with a dark pattern on the head which resembles a figure 8. They grow to around 30 to 50mm in length and these are the fastest insects in the World, they will dart out of sight when disturbed. The American cockroach has a relatively long lifespan of almost two years and these can lead to large infestations; these roaches can also fly giving them another advantage! 
Oriental cockroach

Oriental cockroach 

Sometimes known by the name waterbug or black beetle these cockroaches are a deep shade of brown to black in colour and they prefer to live in damp conditions especially in and around sewers and drains, they grow to around 25mm in length. 
German cockroach

German cockroach 

A common cockroach pest and the smallest of the cockroaches these can be mistaken for Oriental cockroaches as they range from a tan colour to almost black; they grow to around 12 to 15mm in length. All cockroaches are whats called thigmotactic, meaning that they prefer small confined spaces in which to hide away in and rest, and with their small size the German cockroach can easily infest multiple properties. 

Professional cockroach control in Reading, Bracknell, Maidenhead, Slough and Windsor 

Cockroaches are becoming increasingly common pests and found just about everywhere, here at All Aspects Pest Control we offer a range of treatments using a variety of chemicals and traps to eradicate any cockroach problem that you may have.  
Having a cockroach infestation in a business premises can be a disaster as this leads to closure, criminal prosecution, and the loss of customer confidence. We offer cockroach monitoring as part of our commercial pest control service helping you maintain a safe and hygienic workplace and our aim is always to get you 100% pest free and to protect your reputation.